Friday, April 4, 2008

People Get Ready


Today marks the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King used to tell his inner circle that he would not make it to age 40. He was 39. He was gunned down on the second floor landing of the Lorraine Motel, during an unscheduled visit to support the black sanitation workers who had been on strike since February 11, 1968.

Dr. King evoked the kind of passion in his followers that inspired calls for change. However, he understood that given his tireless quest for justice that he rubbed a few people the wrong way and unfortunately created an environment of hatred that helped to end his life.

Just like any other milestone anniversary, it gives us all a time to reflect on what’s been done and what CAN and should be done to move forward.

Today Reverend Al Sharpton, Martin Luther King III and the other members of the King family, along with thousands of other have come together in Memphis, Tennessee to mark the anniversary of the tragic passing of this iconic figure. The scope of this event, the first commemoration since the one organized by Coretta Scott King in 1969, has been expanded to include a call to recommit ourselves to making a better life and community for ALL people, especially people of color and those that are economically compromised.

When Dr. King was killed, riots erupted in the street, mostly in our own neighborhoods. We can not afford to engage in any type of counter productive behavior. It is critical that when we converge on Tennessee forty years from now that we can honestly say we have moved forward for the common good.

I too believe that we all should recommit ourselves today. This is not something that has to be done with great fanfare – it’s just taking that baby step toward improving yourself, your family, your community, or your (fill in the blank). It will require some level of dedication, selflessness, and thirst for righteousness in order to reap our just rewards.

So today I invite everyone to figure out how this recommitment will manifest itself in your life. You may decide to lead a neighborhood clean up or tell your kids and other people’s kids about our history and how their greatness is critical for the advancement of our people. Amass ridiculous amounts education and/or skills you so that you are an asset to your family and your community. Be sure to take care of your physical and mental selves because without health there is no movement.

I am sure that you can think of hundreds more and I would love to hear from you.

In the meantime I will leave you with a link to Dr. King’s last speech.

With that I wish you all the best today and always.


“Just as the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for forty-years after Moses brought them across the Red Sea, Dr. King was our Moses…”,

Reverend Al Sharpton

People get ready
There's a train a commin'
U don't need no baggage
U just get on board All
U need is faithTo hear the diesels hummin'
U don't need no ticket U just thank the lord
Curtis Mayfield


Anonymous said...

LOVE reading your blogs - you are such a thought provoker! Thank for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Good stuff Tia G! Keep talking!!!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.