Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Time is Now

Greetings –

I just wanted to check in. Much has happened since my last post but I am not going to try to recount it in this space today. Any clownery that may have been going on can be talked about on another day. Today is about making history. Not just any history because as you may have noticed electing the oldest president and the first female vice president is also history. No – it is time to change the game, raise the bar, and pave the way for a brighter future for all of us around the world.

As I watch Barack and Michelle Obama vote in Chicago along side their daughters and Joe Biden escorting his mother to the polls to cast their votes, I am getting excited about the possibility.

As I stood in line this morning (the first time I have EVER had to stand in line to vote) seeing generations of people reuniting with friends, schoolmates and play cousins, it made me feel good to know that we all understood what’s at stake. My neighbors whipped out their camera phones and digital cameras taking pictures of the lines, themselves and the people they know – recording history while they waited to vote, hoping for an “Obama Outcome”

Every news show is reporting that voting is at a fevered pitch.

That’s cool but make sure that you are a part of the solution. Take your place in history.

Toot, Barack Obama’s grandmother did not live to see this day. She did transition this life knowing she cast an absentee ballot for her grandson.

Vote and come back here and comment on your experiences. Even if you don’t plan to vote I would love to hear the reasons why - diverse views help everyone gain a better understanding.

With that said – I wish you all the best today and always.


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