Wednesday, August 27, 2008

DNC: A Lesson in Black Love


I watched the Democratic National Convention from 7:00 p.m. until it shut down on Monday. At a minimum the proceedings were a well orchestrated marketing tool that could possibly convince a few Hillary diehards or a few people in one of those red states to vote for Senator Obama. But for me it was more than that – it demonstrated that this candidacy is anointed. Who would ever imagine that a man, with inoperable brain cancer would muster up enough energy to strut across a stage and pledge his support to Obama. I pray that Ted Kennedy will be around to see the inauguration….

Michelle Obama only reinforced what I already knew. This is a woman that ALL women should be trying to emulate – a mother, a career woman, and a tireless advocate in her community. A woman with her own voice who is also ride or die for her husband – a husband who is ride or die for her. She gets that she is part of team and that she should take care of her franchise players – Malia and Sasha. By doing this she proves that real Black love exists and more importantly some of the toxic relationship behaviors that are prevalent in our community should be stopped and become the exception and not the rule. Taking decisive action to take care of one another the way the Obamas have been doing during this grueling campaign is a win-win for our partners, our children and our community.

I have included a link to the text of Michelle Obama’s speech. What did you think?

With that said, I wish you all the best today and always.


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