Friday, September 10, 2010

A 21st Century Friend

Social media has redefined the concept of a friend. Sites like Facebook allow you to connect with men and women you are related to, have fallen in and out of love with, and have shared your happiest times and darkest secrets. These tools give you a platform to criticize and signify. It is a virtual mood ring as people post statuses that indicate they hate their job, love their honey, or just elated that God has bestowed boundless blessings upon them. For some it builds brands for others it destroys reputations and relationships. As a networking tool you receive countless requests from people in your past or people who walked by you on a busy street in 1985. For every request that you accept, you allow one more person into your inner sanctum. Twenty-first century friendship….or is it?

True friendship has been the same since the beginning of time. At its core it is an organic process. I am blessed to have the most fascinating group of friends – different ages, colors, nationalities, shapes and sizes. They bring all types of life experiences, some shared with me and some not, that make them a critical part of my circle. Of course no friend is perfect, all of us have our “isms”, but at the end of the day you know you can count on them.

I have not written in a long time. There have been many things I intended to write about, but somehow life got in the way. What drove me to my PC today were conversations this week with four important people in my life – one on the move in Florida who called on a business trip, another halfway across the world via Skype, and a couple in their 70’s just a few miles away from me.

I talked to my friend in Florida about friendship – how many people have so many definitions of friendship. The reality that there are many people that you have shared a season with who will easily forget the ties that bind and how you often hate to see someone’s number come up on your phone because you know he or she wants something. We concluded that it is what it is. I took away that he was not that person - he has stood with me when I could stand and held me up when I couldn’t. Distance has never been an obstacle for us. I am truly grateful for his loyalty and commitment.

My friend halfway across the world consistently provides inspiration. As a creative mind and serial entrepreneur, he has unbelievable vision. Each exchange is a session – one that leaves me with a heightened sense of what could be. The type of brainstorming that goes on is priceless and we both grow because of it. How I am grateful for his creative energy that keeps me on my toes.

The couple I am about to talk about are relative newcomers in my life – the aunt and uncle of someone in my circle who I met in the early part of this century. She has been a frequent recipient of my floral arrangements and in turn has become my floral muse. I could put dandelions together and she would say it was beautiful. Her positive affirmations elevate me on all sorts of levels. Her husband always greets me with a smile on his face and never fails to walk me to my car even though I park right in their driveway! This type of support and caring is priceless.

That’s my personal testimony for this week. None of these encounters involved commenting on a status of writing on someone’s wall – real conversation and genuine interest in who you are and how you are feeling. Friendship to me is all those things – it’s checking in to say “hey – how are you?” It is seeing something that may be beneficial to someone in your circle and passing it on to them. It’s visiting them when they don’t feel that great. It’s providing the type of support that will help them through the challenges and celebrate the successes. It doesn’t have to be done every day, but there must be a concerted effort to make it happen as much as you can. If you are that kind of friend the riches that will come back will be ten-fold….trust me I have experienced this first hand.

Unfortunately I have experienced some of the negatives of this timeless concept called friendship. Do yourself a favor – shake loose folks who are self serving. Run the other way when a “friend” has no regard for your feelings. Show a “friend” the exit when she or he gets brand new because of a new love, new location or new economic status. If it feels lopsided in any way, it is time to check out – he or she really didn’t mean you any good and think about the time you get back for yourself or for those who are truly your FRIENDS.

Post your stories of true friendship.

With that I wish you the best today and always.


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