Thursday, July 24, 2008

Random Acts of Fierceness


At this moment, as I peck away at my keyboard, Barack Obama is getting a superstar reception from the people of Berlin. Thousand upon thousands lined up, waving German and American Flags and chanting YES WE CAN!!

If you didn’t get the memo – we are getting a sneak preview of the next President of the United States. A few hours ago Dick Gregory, comedian and political activist said on the Warren Ballantine show that the only people who don't know that Barack is going to be the next president is the people of United States. I don’t believe that – I just think folks are in denial. John McCain try put a dash of hateration on this situation when HE was the one who DARED Senator Obama to venture across the pond. My suggestion Senator McCain – don’t write a check you A$$ can’t cash! You are over here wandering around in supermarkets acting like you got a handle on America’s economic woes and you don't even have a clue. Prepare to shut it down...

So in honor of the ultimate fierceness of the Berlin moment, I bring you:


Whoopie Goldberg took a minute to really school Elisabeth, her View comrade on why she should pack up her self righteousness and get out of Dodge. Elisabeth always seems like she thinks she is the only one in a profound space when in actuality she hasn’t lived enough life to be talking down to people the way that she does. She tried to dominate a conversation about the “N” word when she was sitting alongside two sisters who have personal experience with the word and an Italian American comedienne who I am sure has heard it in someone’s stand up routine a time or two. “How do I explain it to my daughter?” You tell your Mini-me: “use it at your own risk” and keep it moving. That’s what it comes down to – there are words in every language that when used with a different inflection, body language, audience and tone that can say one thing – or the other. Those who don’t understand the rules of engagement shouldn’t use the word no more than a person who doesn’t know how to swim should dive into a pool.

Soledad O’Brien should be applauded for the hard work she put in the series Black in America. More kudos is given to CNN for giving such liberal coverage to the subject. Sure it’s a slow news season, but to tie in a number of your shows to addressing the issues that Black people face in the country is commendable. I did not like all the stories that were told – some seem to reinforce some of the typical stereotypes, but guess what? These stories depict some people’s reality! Until more than just a select few can get past the minefields that await Black folks this story will have to be told again and again. What’s critical here that ALL of our people tune in and seek the direction that will uplift yourself, your family, and our people.

Last week Nasir Jones, better known to the world as Nas released his ninth studio album. In classic Nas tradition, the release had its share of scandal. He originally wanted to name the project "N", but Black activists, record company executives and pontificators on all sides of the issue furiously went to work to protest the project’s release with such an in-you-face title. Of course not one of them can tell you anything about the lyrical content, but made it their business to ignite a media circus that makes me question the motive – was it because of the potential detriment using the word would do to our young boys and girls? Or were you so angry that Nas was so unapologetic about his decision that you just wanted the project to ultimately fail? Well if teen/Disney sensation Jamie Lynn Spears can pimp her child on the cover of OK! magazine with no thought of the message SHE might be sending, then I think Nas should have been afforded the same privilege and let the people decide whether or not they would buy the CD, explain the decision to the children, etc., I am personally a fan and when I was driving home from school last night was struck by the intensity of the tracks. The one that seemed the most timely was Sly Fox – a tune our dear Reverend Jackson should have checked out before he found himself near a “hot mic.” I urge anyone who is curious AND open-minded to check it out.

What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts.

With that I wish you all the best today and always.



Anonymous said...

Terrific and timely as usual, always spilling the truth. We should all aspire to saying it so well.

Anonymous said...

Your words always inspire to me to be better...
Thank you